Bristow Defence Industries Completes ATMS Training

Bristow Defence Industries Completes ATMS Training

Bristow Australia Helicopters

Bristow Defence Industries successfully completes a week of onsite ATMS training at AQT Solutions headquarters in Napa, California. 
Bristow Defence Industries (BDI), part of the Asia Pacific Region , completed a week of intense onsite training of ATMS (Advanced Training Management System). For many trainees, ATMS can be described as the Swiss Army knife of training management systems. Glenn Beare, Head of Training for BDI’s helicopter maintenance and logistics support crew. Glenn will be the primary administrator of the ATMS system.

ATMS is expected to play a critical role in assuring compliance and ensuring sustainability for the future within BDI’s highly regulated environment. AQT is confident that ATMS will be a significant cornerstone in transforming BDI’s training organization with its highly scalable Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) capabilities, allowing for improved workforce management, together with recruiting, performance evaluations, identifying training and qualification gaps, and needs assessment.

defense training systems

By using ATMS, BDI will be able to more efficiently track and manage qualifications and streamline training processes. The benefit of using ATMS is that BDI will now be able to safeguard against future compliance threats and issues and help ensure long-term sustainability. During Glenn’s week of training, I was highly impressed with his experience and background in training management. In my opinion, BDI is very fortunate to have Glenn lead their training department because of his in-depth knowledge and perspective on maximizing efficiency pertaining to avionic engineering. What’s unique about Glenn is that he not just interested in protocol, but how to gain optimal results by having strong, repeatable and integrated procedures. ATMS is designed for such an approach because of its highly configurable, end-to-end training system.

Bristow Group will also be expanding the use of ATMS to Bristow Helicopters Australia (BHA) as a result of the benefits recognized through the use of ATMS.


Bristow began operations in Australia in 1967 and is now the largest provider of helicopter services to the oil and gas industry in Australia. Bristow currently supports oil and gas exploration and production in the North West Shelf of Western Australia, Bass Straits in Victoria and, from late 2015, the Great Australian Bight in South Australia. Bristow also provides airport management services on Barrow Island and Maintenance and Logistics support for the Republic of Singapore Air Force. Recently in November 2013 Bristow Travel commenced business operations. Headquartered in Perth, Bristow operates six bases in Western Australia, three bases in Victoria, one base in the Northern Territory, one in Queensland with two planned in South Australia. Click the brochure below for more information.

Military and Defense Training System