Why Leaders of Army Training Programs Must Look to the Future
Defense News’ writer Michelle Tan explains why army training programs leaders must look to the future today. The Army must prepare for the future even as it trains to respond to the threats and contingencies facing the world today, the service’s top leaders said Monday.
“The Army is at an inflection point,” Army Secretary Eric Fanning said during a press briefing at the Association of the United States Army annual meeting. “Our soldiers are front and center in two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Army is responsible for an increasingly diverse set of missions. I’ve seen first-hand how much we ask of our soldiers, our civilians and our families.”
But as the Army maintains its high operations tempo, it must also “modernize and realign,” Fanning said. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, who appeared at the press briefing alongside Fanning, agreed.
“This year, what the secretary and I want to emphasize at this particular AUSA is the future of our Army, the deeper future,” he said. “It is my belief, as the chief of staff of the Army, after a year of close and rigorous study, we’re on the cusp of a fundamental change in the character of ground warfare.”
The Army doesn’t have to get it “exactly right,” but it has to “get it less wrong than any enemy if we’re going to prevail,” and the service must start now, Milley said. Read Full Article >>
Source: Defense News
October 3, 2016 (Photo Credit: Alan Lessig/Staff)
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